CLEAN SLATE: Want the perfect canvas for your home decor dreams? Here's a broom.

At Retro Den, we think home design starts with having a clean home. Palmer was born a tidy person. Daly had to acquire the skills and mindset. Here's some clean home hints we shared in this month's Tulsa Voice. Read below.

CLEAN SLATE: Want the perfect canvas for your home decor dreams? Here's a broom. Having less can mean less cleaning—when you make your driveway a store for a day, it can also mean more money.

Deciding to keep a clean home is kind of like that moment you realized wearing deodorant and not using your sleeve to wipe your mouth helped you approach the world with more moxie. When you eat breakfast at a clear table, rather than stand at the kitchen counter as you stare at all the junk you dumped on the table from your purse the night before, you gain a sense of self-respect.

“But Ashley,” you say, “I learned to clean up after myself years ago.” Congratulations, friend. My mom would respect you more than she does me. You can continue to feel smug as you read the rest of this piece from your freshly Febrezed sofa. CONTINUE READING