Space with purpose: An eye for editing elevates Tulsan's vintage-inspired pad

On a daily basis, Ashley Palmer and I ask customers to show us pictures of their homes. We love seeing people's spaces. My husband Ryan and I actually first saw Drew Tedlock's home while delivering his Brasilia room divider (which he uses as a hutch). I promised Ryan that Drew's house would be worth a Sunday delivery; for some reason, I could just tell Drew would have enjoyable style. And he does. I got to share photos and an overview of Drew's style in the most recent The Tulsa Voice. It was Halloween, so Palmer was dressed as a pirate (photo below at the end). Read a snippet, browse bonus photos and find a link to the full article below.


Tulsa transplant Drew Tedlock handed me his keys the other day so I could tour his home and take photos during peak daylight hours. Let's all thank him for being so trusting, because this fella's home is a visual snack anyone would want to consume. Break out your eye forks; I want to walk you through all the things Drew does just right to make his home envy-worthy. The main ingredient? Precision.

Continue reading here.  But see bonus photos below!

Drew, thank you for sharing your home with us and having perfect taste. While walking through your house taking these photos, Ashley Palmer kept saying, "Oh my gosh, Drew!" We both exclaimed at the beauty a lot; if you have a security camera inside, I'm sure you saw it and were quite pleased with our reaction.

Again, readers, jump over to The Tulsa Voice to read the breakdown of how to be like Drew.

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